Monday, August 30, 2010

What tool is most like a hummingbird beak?

Tomorrow we will be having our first science experiment! Your child has already made a hypothesis about which tool will work best. The tool choices are needle-nose pliers, tweezers, and a dropper. What do you think?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Viking Adventure

In our History book we have been learning about the discovery of America. We got to go on a virtual Viking quest, in search of new land! We learned about a famous Viking named Leif Ericson. He and his crew were the first Europeans to visit America. Miss Ryder projected our adventure on the board and we made choices about our ship, crew, finances, and route. It was very exciting!

Our Class Garden

This year we will be having a class garden. Miss Ryder heard from Mrs. Robledo about some tomato plants that she has started. These plants will be in our classroom tomorrow, or Monday morning! Our garden will be by Miss Ryder's house. We have two four foot raised beds. We'll be learning about the growing seasons in Florida, plant growth, responsibility, and a host of other things! Stay tuned for pictures from OUR garden!

Welcome to Fourth Grade

Welcome to our class blog. Miss Ryder will be updating information about what we are studying in our classroom. We would love to have you, the parents, join us on our journey this school year! We'll have pictures of the things that we are studying, but no pictures of us. Please feel free to leave comments here. Stay tuned for what is on our agenda for next week!